New Feature: Sunrise and Sunset

Our latest update lets you create scenes that automatically trigger at sunrise or sunset. Scenes are a great way to combine lighting, music, temperature, and other settings to quickly control your smart home. Here are some Scenes to try out when creating your sunrise/sunset home automations:
Your Brilliant Control(s) can also have automations that affect the display and motion setting based on the sunrise or sunset.
Display settings using sunrise/sunset can be used to turn on/off your display or adjust the screen brightness during certain hours.

Motion settings that use sunrise/sunset features help adjust specific areas of your home during certain times. For example, if a Brilliant Control in your hallway detects motion anytime between 11 PM - 6 AM, you can set the lights to turn on and at a specific brightness in certain areas. Plus, you can set them to turn off after a set duration of time automatically.
To learn more about Sunrise and Sunset settings, you can check out this page.